Ingerson Citrus is accredited by SGS International with SQF 2000 Quality Assurance System, and by Australasian Biological Control Inc. with an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) audit system.
All of the properties owned by the Ingerson family and all orchard and pack house operations are audited and accredited by SGS International with SQF2000 Quality Audit System.
The company proudly acknowledges the commitment of its staff and approved suppliers in achieving this accreditation and their support in the excellent maintenance of the system for the past decade.
Ingy’s new "Consumer Ready Packaging" now has the SQF2000 logo displayed. Customers can be assured that Ingerson Citrus is producing citrus fruit that is health giving and safe.
Ingerson Citrus has achieved Integrated Pest Management (IPM) accreditation from the Australasian Biological Control Inc (ABC Inc,) for its focus over many years to grow citrus produce with nil or minimal chemical use.
ABC Inc. provides Ingy's with a third party audit of its cultural practices as an assurance to consumers of the family's commitment to sustainable horticulture. Ingy’s packaging proudly displays the logo of ABC Inc.